Executive Advisory Board
In 2018, the USC CBC formed its first Advisory Board in recognition that digital health products are beginning to fulfill their promise and the USC CBC has the potential to play an even bigger thought leadership role as the field evolves and grows.
With issues such as health IT cybersecurity, federal regulations, personal data collection and ownership of health information from wearables and sensors, complementing physician+patient communication and access through instantaneous and continuous activity using apps, VR, AI and other technologies yet to come is exciting but needs thoughtful leadership. .
It is this collaborative effort that is necessary to create the new model of healthcare everyone, everywhere deserves.
The following members will serve a two-year term providing their unique skills and area of expertise into helping the USC CBC grow its leadership in digital health. Click their headshots to learn more.

Dave Albert, MD

Robert Ford

Randolph Hall, PhD

Randall Hill, PhD

William Hsu, MD

Joe Perez

Jay Sales

Leslie Saxon, MD